No Longer Accepting Students
The Biomedical Data Science Certificate will no longer be accepting students.Biomedical Data Science has become an integral part of biomedical research. As a result, biomedical scientists with data science knowledge are advantaged on multiple fronts. This one-year BioMedical Data Science (BMDS) Certificate Program is designed to provide students with the basic data science skillset in the context of biomedical research data.
No Longer Accepting Students
The Biomedical Data Science Certificate will no longer be accepting students.You will learn:
Students usually acquire up to 12 credits of course works, plus up to 3 credits of internship, for the accumulation of at least 15 credit hours to complete the certificate program.
At the completion of this certificate the students will be able to:
Therefore, training researcher the basics of data science is crucial to advance scientific discovery.
Intro to Biocomputing | BSBT 6110 | 3 credits, Fall semester
Computational Chemistry | CHEM 5510 | 3 credits, Fall semester
Molecular Informatics | CHEM 4580/5580 | 2 credits, Fall semester
Statistical Methods in Genomics | BIOS 7659 | 3 credits, Fall semester
R for Data Science | BIOS 6640 | 2 credits, Fall semester
Applied Biostatistics 1 | BIOS 6601 | 3 credits, Fall semester
Intro to Bioinformatics | IMMU 6110 | 3 credits, Fall semester
Practical Computational Biology for Biologist: Python | MOLB 7900 | 2 credits, Spring semester
Biological Data Analysis | BIOL 6764 | 4 credits, Spring semester
Intro to Python | BIOS 6642 | 3 credits, Spring semester
Practical Computational Biology for Biologist: R | MOLB 7910 | 2 credits, Spring semester
Methods and Challenges in Observational Health Data Analysis | PMED 6410 | 3 credits, Spring semester
Intro to Public Health Informatics | BIOS 6685 | 3 credits, Spring semester
Data Science and Analytics of Continuous Clinical Data | BIOE 5420/4420 | 3 credits, Spring semester
Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 4640/5640 | 3 credits, Spring semester
Internship | BSBT 6939 | 3 or more credits, Summer semester
Tzu Phang, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Director, Translational Informatics Computational Resources (TICR)
Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine (CCPM)
University of Colorado, Department of Medicine