The Graduate School is committed to fostering a culture of belonging in the recruitment and retention of students. We actively seek persons from underrepresented populations, which include, but are not limited to, underrepresented ethnic groups, disabled persons,
and those students who are economically disadvantaged, from rural areas, or first-in-family college graduates.
Application fees are automatically waived for:
Applicants may be eligible for an Application Fee Waiver if they meet one of the following criteria and are able to provide documentation:
Note: Application fee waivers cannot be applied to applications that have already been paid. Requests for waivers must be submitted at least 1 week before the final application deadline.
Contact if you have questions or are ready to apply your application fee waiver.
As a member of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science, the Graduate School provides detailed statistics from Biomedical Science programs on: Admissions and matriculation data of PhD students, Average time-to-degree and completion data for PhD programs, and Demographics of PhD students by gender, underrepresented minority status, and citizenship status.
Facilitates initiatives and programs in collaboration with colleagues from across campus and community members to enhance awareness, encourage and support meaningful contributions to advancing Access and Engagement efforts, increase a sense of belonging on campus, and invoke change as it relates to health equity.
The Phoenix Center at Anschutz
The Phoenix Center at Anschutz (PCA) is a resource for students, faculty, and staff who are affected by interpersonal violence (IPV) including relationship violence, sexual violence, and stalking.
Visit the Phoenix Center website
CU Anschutz Food Pantry
The food pantry is open to all faculty, staff and students seeking food, hygiene items, and pet supplies. The food pantry is located in the Strauss Health Sciences Library, room 3105. There are no restrictions on the number of items that can be taken or limits on food pantry visits.
The CU Anschutz LGBTQ+ Hub repurposes the Women and Gender Center formerly at CU Anschutz. The LGBTQ+ Hub as a one-stop shop that can achieve a campus and Aurora community culture where LGBTQ+ people are highly visible, are fully included and integrated in leadership, day-to-day living, communication and dialogue, and where vibrant partnerships exist between the LGBTQ+ Hub and the campus and Aurora communities-at-large.
Office of Educational Outreach and Pathway Initiatives
Under the leadership of the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus; the Office of Educational Outreach and Pathway Initiatives works to promote and support a diverse community that acknowledges values, fosters, and benefits from the unique qualities, rich histories, and wide variety of cultural values and beliefs that mirror and fulfill the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus mission of education, healthcare, research, and community service.
Visit the Office of Educational Outreach and Pathway Initiatives website.
Undocumented Student Services
Our university remains committed to providing access to all qualified students, including students under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow (ASSET) programs. ASSET, DACA, Mixed Family Status and undocumented students are valuable members of our student body whom we strive to ensure are safe and respected on our campus. We are pleased to provide a variety of services, support, and information for students, faculty, and staff to help undocumented students succeed at CU Anschutz.